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Tag: DDoS

Evading a DDoS Attack Using mod_evasive

mod_evasive is an Apache module that provides evasive action in the event of an HTTP DDoS attack or brute force attack. It is also...

Identifying and Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks

  A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack involves the paralysing of a network by flooding it with data from several individual sources, to the...

Cyber Attacks Explained: Packet Crafting

  Protect your FOSS-based IT infrastructure from packet crafting by learning more about it. In the previous articles in this series, we explored common infrastructure vulnerability...

iLinuxBot: Designing Botnets to Manage Linux Clients

This article is to encourage newbies to use a little creativity to solve real-world problems. It shows you how to manage a Linux lab,...

Cyber Attacks Explained: DoS and DDoS

With this article, we begin a new series on the major kinds of cyber attacks that weaken the IT security infrastructure within organisations. With...

SYN Flooding using SCAPY and Prevention using iptables

DoS (Denial of Service) attacks against Web services make them unavailable for legitimate users, affecting the website owner's potential business. These involve intentional consumption...

Securing Apache, Part 8: DoS & DDoS Attacks

In this part of the series, we focus on DoS/DDoS attacks, which have been among the major threats to Web servers since the beginning...

The Importance of Intrusion Prevention Systems

In today's fast-changing IT world, even the best available security is insufficient for the latest vulnerabilities in various products, and against malware/attacks created to...