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Tag: Windows XP

Firefox to leave Windows XP and Vista platforms by 2017

Mozilla is ultimately on a move to retire its open source Firefox browser for Microsoft's Windows XP and Windows Vista. The web browser will...

3D Slicer: An Overview

This article gives an overview of the open source medical imaging tool called 3D Slicer, which has been released under a BSD-style licence, and...

Programming Tools for Linux

This article is not so much about the various languages, as the programming tools that can be used to write programs using the languages. When...

FreedomYUG: Do You Really Love Yourself?

...or do you use Windows 7 Starter Edition on a netbook? Do you genuinely love and respect yourself? Or did you just agree to buy...

Metasploit 101 with Meterpreter Payload

The Metasploit framework is well known in the realm of exploit development. It is a standalone tool for security researchers, penetration testers and IDS/IPS...

Advanced Nmap: FIN Scan & OS Detection

Nmap is a fantastic tool, and I just can't refrain from praising it, every time I use it. The earlier articles in this series...

Joy of Programming: Questions and Answers on C

Let's look at some of the queries received from readers relating to programming in C. Q. Where are enum members stored in memory? How does...