Cloud Foundry Open-Sources its Certified Developer Exam Course


The Cloud Foundry Foundation which is the home to the open-source Cloud Foundry Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud has announced that it will open-source its educational material. It says this move has been taken to prepare developers for its Cloud Foundry Certified Developer Exam. The 2019 jobs report rated PaaS skills in its top 10 paying tech skills.

The company says the material will include content for both instructor-led discussions and hands-on examples in addition to the existing Cloud Foundry Developer training course. In order to check that the prep course does not duplicate the elements of the exam too closely, the company will take a functional look at the Cloud Foundry competencies, which may be covered in the exam.

Chip Childers, CTO, Cloud Foundry Foundation said, “By making this material available widely, we give the most people possible the ability to prepare for the Cloud Foundry Certified Developer Exam.”

Performance-based questions and multiple-choice questions

The exam takes about three hours to complete and it consists of performance-based questions and multiple-choice to test developers on their practical and conceptual knowledge of Cloud Foundry and general cloud-native architecture principles

Recently,at the Open Source Summit Europe in France, Megan Byrd-Sanicki, a Google Open Source strategist, had announced that the company is working on a new program that will bring technical writers to open-source projects without sufficient resources to do documentation correctly.


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