Offensive Security Acquires Open Source Security Training Project VulnHub

  • VulnHub is an open source, continually updated catalog of IT assets
  • The acquisition is a part of OffSec’s ongoing mission to provide practical training content to aspiring cybersecurity professionals

Offensive Security has announced that it has acquired open source security training resource hub VulnHub. It also said that this acquisition is a part of OffSec’s ongoing mission to provide practical training content to aspiring cybersecurity professionals.

Ning Wang, CEO, Offensive Security said, “VulnHub’s mission perfectly aligns with our ethos of providing material that allows anyone to ‘try harder’ by gaining practical, hands-on experience in digital security, computer software and network administration.”

Hackable, breakable, and exploitable by design

VulnHub is an open source, continually updated catalog of IT assets. They are legally hackable, breakable, and exploitable by design. It added that the catalog will provide security and IT professionals to try their hand at penetration testing in a safe, controlled environment.

All VulnHub content will remain available for free. OffSec also provides other open source tools designed to help security professionals gain hands-on experience, including Kali Linux, Exploit DB, and Metasploit unleashed.


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