Fluree Open Sources Its Entire Web3 Data Platform

  • The growing communities emerging out of the Web3.0 era can use Fluree to create open source, W3C standards-based applications
  • The company said that Fluree’s key use cases include verifiable credentials, decentralised identifiers, master data management, open data platforms and integrations with public blockchains

Fluree, is releasing its core source code under the AGPL open source license. It said that developers can pull from and contribute to Fluree on Github. This will build a new internet ecosystem that promotes data-centric security, traceability and global interoperability.

Fluree Co-CEO Brain Platz said, “By open sourcing our technology, we reject the status quo practice of locking data up in proprietary format, and instead solidify our commitment to building best-in-class open source solutions to modern data management problems. We are offering enterprises a bridge from vendor lock-in towards a future of complete data ownership, portability and interoperability.”

W3C standards-based applications

The growing communities emerging out of the Web3.0 era can use Fluree to create open source, W3C standards-based applications. The company said that Fluree’s key use cases include verifiable credentials, decentralized identifiers, master data management, open data platforms and integrations with public blockchains. These are are critical for the trustworthy, secure Web3.0 of tomorrow.

Flip Filipowski, Co-CEO of Fluree said, “As a company and technology, Fluree recognises the importance of community-based innovation.We have always embraced the open-source mindset and had always planned to include Fluree when the time was right. We welcome innovators from every industry to join the Fluree community and build with us.”


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