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Tag: code snippet

Creating an Audio and Video Player Using JPlayer

This tutorial walks the reader through the process of creating a basic audio/video player on a website and then customising it to add more...

Write Your Own conio.h for GNU/Linux

Here's a close look at the technique and code for console handling in Standard (i.e., ISO/ANSI) C/C++.   In the latter part of the article...

Getting Started with Haskell on Emacs

Emacs is a popular text editor that can be extended and customised. Haskell is a statically typed, functional programming language. Haskell-mode is an Emacs...

A Few Things You Should Know About Futexes

This article aims to provide a clear and concise discussion about the basics of futexes, and how they could be used to implement user-space...


Over the last couple of months, this column has covered dynamic languages such as JavaScript, and how they differ from traditional statically compiled languages...