FIWARE Foundation And Red Hat Join Hands To Work On Open Source Technologies


In order to create a more scalable smart city solution that can be used by any city in the world to become smarter and more sustainable, Red Hat Open Innovation Lab collaborated with the FIWARE Foundation and HOPU-Libelium.

Red Hat, Inc., a provider of open source software, today announced a partnership with the FIWARE Foundation, a non-profit organisation that promotes the use of open standards in the creation of smart solutions, to create an integrated platform for smart cities that will use data to make cities all over the world more resilient and improve the wellbeing of their residents. Red Hat Open Innovation Labs collaborated with the FIWARE Foundation and Human Oriented Products (HOPU), a solution provider involved in the FIWARE community, over the course of a six-week residency to develop an enhanced smart city solution that is simple to deploy, fully scalable, and reliable and runs on Red Hat OpenShift.

Cities around the world are dealing with escalating and complicated environmental, economic, and social issues that have an impact on the daily lives of its residents. City officials and public sector decision-makers need eco-smart technology solutions to solve these issues so they can use data to assist them make decisions that are good for the environment and for their constituents. In order to make every city in the world smarter and more sustainable, FIWARE Foundation, HOPU, and Red Hat collaborated to develop a more scalable smart city solution.

The smart city platform powered by FIWARE is able to derive insights from data processed by HOPU air quality sensors in order to adopt wiser decisions for the welfare of inhabitants. The smart city platform and base application for air quality monitoring were implemented in Las Rozas and Cartagena, two Spanish cities, as pilot use cases. Its scalability and robustness are increased thanks to Red Hat OpenShift, which offers the flexibility required for the smart city platform and base application to be deployed on any private or public cloud.

Red Hat’s knowledgeable consultants assisted FIWARE Foundation and HOPU engineers throughout the Open Innovation Lab residency in developing the knowledge, adopting the tools, and adopting open practises required to standardise an end-to-end hosting agnostic deployment process, and setting up a demo environment for the solution. The Open Innovation Lab residency’s primary focus was on enhancing engineers’ productivity, but it also helped the team build a stronger basis for collaboration and connect technological and cultural shifts to their intended aim.

The FIWARE Community may now expand the smart city platform to different use cases for any city in the world, such as traffic, water sample, noise, and pollution, as a result of the Red Hat Open Innovation Lab residence. Cities can speed up innovation and change their communities by enhancing the deployability and scalability of FIWARE platform technologies. The use of open source standards will increase thanks to FIWARE, which is already used in more than 350 cities worldwide.


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