Webmin 2.0 Is Now Available For Open Source Web-Based Server Administration


With its significant “v2.0” release, Webmin, a well-liked open source web-based server administration/management software package that is a popular alternative to programmes like cPanel and Plesk, is now available.

Webmin’s safe web browser-based interface makes it simple to manage Linux servers. This programme is still primarily Perl-based and BSD-licensed. In the twenty years that Webmin has been used to manage Linux servers, it has placed a strong emphasis on preserving backwards compatibility. Years ago, there was talk about reworking much of the code and getting rid of a lot of the legacy support, including support for out-of-date Perl versions and end-of-life operating systems. For Webmin 2.0, this ultimately wasn’t the case.

Webmin 2.0 was released this week as a more incremental improvement over the Webmin 1.xxx releases. Originally, the bump to Webmin 2.0 would have been deleting the legacy support that has accrued over the years. Webmin 2.0 now enforces the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) policy for its SSL enabled mode, improves HTTP to HTTPS redirection, supports managing multiple Webmin versions on systems based on systemd, improves upgrading between minor Webmin versions, and more.

Another significant improvement in Webmin 2.0 is the addition of support for AMD CPU temperature reporting within the administration interface.

Webmin 2.0 includes fixes such as restarting dependant services when firewalld is restarted, keeping Usermin and Webmin’s service status when upgrading packages, and more. You can download Webmin 2.0 (v2.000) from GitHub.


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