Home Content News Adobe releases new Flash version for Linux with security fixes

Adobe releases new Flash version for Linux with security fixes

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash for Linux

Adobe has just released the new version of Flash for GNU/Linux. The latest release comes years after its abandonment by major software platforms including Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s Mac OS X.

It may be little late for Adobe to release the new version but, the technology is going to stay for next few years. You can find 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Flash Player 24 on Adobe’s website. It comes in apt, tar.gz, rpm and YUM formats.

Last month, Google Chrome browser announced the replacement of Adobe Flash by making HTML5 as the default technology. That announcement brought major tech companies on the board to have discontinuation plans.

So far, web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge are shifting from Adobe Flash. Even Facebook abandoned Flash player on its website for multimedia content.

With the latest trend of opting for HTML5, reintroducing a new version is not going to change the fate of Flash player. The popular multimedia player for websites has tons of security issues. Adobe has been working towards improving security and building an integrated solution for Linux. Thus, the latest version mainly fixes security issues.

There is still a large number of websites rely on Flash. The technology is considered to be relatively easier for developers to understand and build their solutions. However, it is also vulnerable to severe attacks.



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