Open Source Database Migration To Azure


MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL are among the most popular open source databases available. Running these databases on bare metal devices, on the other hand, can be time demanding, and scaling up and down while maintaining high availability for essential workloads can be problematic. Running these databases in the cloud is an appealing alternative.

The Azure cloud is regarded for being a great option for enterprise workloads, and it may have the finest security measures of the three major public clouds. It also includes advanced automatic migration tools that make migrating workloads to Azure a breeze. Is it, however, adequate for the simple duty of maintaining an open source database? Let’s have a look.

In Azure, you may run open source databases as a managed service.

There are various alternatives for transferring open-source databases from your local environment to the Microsoft Azure cloud. These databases can be hosted by the following services, which will also take care of administrative chores like as maintenance and updates, scalability, and high availability. These managed services can also help to improve open source security by automating patches and security upgrades, as well as hardening the database host to database security best practises.

– Azure MySQL Database—a managed service that may be installed as a single server or as a Flexible Server that scales over several Azure virtual machines (VMs). It uses the open-source MySQL engine and is capable of supporting mission-critical workloads with high performance and automated scaling.

– Azure Database for MariaDB—a managed service that allows you to run MariaDB, a popular fork of MySQL that isn’t under Oracle’s control.

– Azure Database for PostgreSQL—a managed service that allows you run PostgreSQL with the same levels of availability, performance, scale, security, and administration as the MySQL service.

To move your database to the appropriate Azure managed service, you can use a variety of approaches (see the migration techniques section below).

Migrate online without interrupting existing workloads.

Migrate databases that are compliant with Azure’s managed database services standards (you can perform an automated assessment to identify compliance).

  1. MySQL SQL Server Migration Assistant

For moving from MySQL to Azure SQL Database, the cloud version of Microsoft SQL Server, Azure provides a specific tool. SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL is a graphical user interface application. It establishes connections to the source MySQL database and the destination SQL Server database, which can be a standalone SQL Server installation or an Azure SQL Database instance.

Once connected, the programme translates all data types to SQL Server equivalents and replicates the whole schema to SQL Server or Azure SQL Database. Views, procedures, triggers, and other objects are also migrated. The tool then allows you to begin migrating the data.

If you need to migrate MySQL to SQL Server, consider using SQL Server Migration Assistant:

Convert a MySQL server to an Azure SQL Database.

  1. Code for a custom application

Consider creating your own custom code to move data from an on-premises MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MariaDB database to the cloud if you have sophisticated data transformation requirements or wish to do a migration with particular constraints.

The custom code method offers a lot of freedom. You have complete control over how data is filtered, aggregated, and transformed, as well as how it is migrated to numerous destinations and integrated from multiple sources. If you have demands that aren’t fulfilled by out-of-the-box backup or export solutions, try this method.

This technique has the disadvantage of necessitating extra development effort, testing, and management. You must extensively test any custom code before executing it on real data to ensure that it migrates data successfully. Because it necessitates a staff of expert data engineers, this frequently increases project expenditures. If you’re thinking about implementing bespoke migration code, keep in mind how much time and work it will take.


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