Guard Your Network with IPCop, Part 1: Installation Basics

The cop's patrolling

The cop's patrolling

The classic version of IPCop 1.4.20, which was released on July 24, 2008, was immediately upgraded to the 1.4.21 ISO installer. The much awaited version 2.0 has been out since September 23, 2011. In this series of articles, we will first take a look at version 1.4.21, followed by the latest release. The basic IPCop distro, combined with various add-ons, builds a fully functional Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution.

Since the beginning, IPCop has been a fantastic firewall distro, with various useful features, including:

  • Minimum hardware requirements — even an old 386-based PC with 2 Ethernet cards, 32 MB RAM and a 300 MB hard disk (anybody seen such a configuration lately?)
  • Various Internet connectivity options are supported, including ISDN, PPPoE, Static, PPTP, DHCP, etc.
  • Basic installation gives excellent firewall functionality, protecting the internal network.
  • A very stable distribution.
  • Versatile add-ons are available, which extend firewall functionality (see the following table).
  • Uses IPTables to apply rules to received packets.
Add-on Function
Block Outgoing Traffic Port-by-port blocking of outgoing traffic
Zerina OpenVPN server
Advanced Proxy Advanced Proxy
URL Filter Filtering of unwanted URLs
Calamaris Proxy report generator
CopFilter Antivirus and antispam module

Before starting the installation, let us go over the basics of IPCop. The default IPCop installation supports up to 4 Ethernet interfaces, which are colour-coded according to trust levels (refer to the following table).

Interface colour Trust level Typical function
Green 1 — Most trusted The internal network (or protected network)
Blue 2 — Semi-trusted Wireless network in separate subnet
Orange 3 — DMZ (De-militarised zone) For resources being accessed from internal systems as well as from the Internet
Red 4 — Non-trusted The Internet connection

One can fine-tune the IPCop installation depending on organisational requirements. For example, only a Green + Red network is sufficient for a basic office firewall. A Green + Red + Blue network will suit an office network with wireless access or two separate subnets. If a few servers are required to be accessed from the internal network as well as the Internet, a DMZ can be added.

During the installation process, IPCop probes, detects and allots various network cards to the corresponding interfaces. Typically, the on-board Ethernet is detected first, a card in the first PCI slot is detected second, and so on. Regarding a Green + Red network, by default, all traffic from the Internal network (Green) to the Internet (Red) is allowed, whereas all traffic from Red to Green is blocked. An excellent self-explanatory network diagram of a typical IPCop network is available here, which is reproduced here as Figure 1 for ready reference.

IPCop reference network
Figure 1: IPCop reference network


Download the IPCop 1.4.20 stable release, and prepare a boot CD. Don’t forget to take a backup of the intended install system if necessary — all the partitions and data on it will be wiped out. Boot from the IDE optical drive on the firewall system. SATA drives are not supported by default — you may be able to use BIOS settings on some motherboards to map a SATA optical drive as IDE.

IPCop installation is straightforward and simple. The following has the steps to install a Green + Red network.

Step Selection & explanation
Choose language English
Welcome screen Continue
Selection of boot device CD/USB key/HTTP/FTP server — Select CD-ROM
Whether to restore from old backup No backup, skip the step
Detection of Ethernet card Probe
Green IP address Enter the correct IP address (IP used for test set-up:
Reboot screen First installation step OK. Partitions created, IPCop installed
Keyboard mapping Default
Time-zone Select Asia/Kolkata
Hostname IPCop (You may enter the desired hostname)
Domain Firewall (You may enter the desired hostname)
ISDN setup Disable ISDN, we shall use static IP instead
Network configuration type Green + Red
Drivers and card assignment Probe for additional cards, assign the detected card to the Red interface
Address settings PPPoE
DNS and gateway Applicable only for a static IP address
Passwords Allot root (Shell access), admin (Web GUI access) and backup (for restoration of backups) passwords

Following these steps completes the basic installation. The network diagram should resemble Figure 2.

IPCop Red – Green
Figure 2: IPCop Red – Green

Figures 3 to 9 show the various steps of the installation (click on them for larger size).

Once the installation is complete, the IPCop firewall starts functioning immediately between the Green and Red networks, blocking all incoming requests from Red to Green. To configure and fine-tune the firewall, use the friendly Web interface via https://GREEN_IP:445 (connect to the Green interface IP). IPCop can also be accessed via SSH, but the IPCop  service runs on the custom TCP port 222.

Client TCP/IP configuration

Only two TCP/IP settings are required on client PCs, so set the default gateway and DNS server to the IPCop Green IP address.

IPCop proxy configuration

The IPCop proxy uses the TCP port 800 to accept, process, log and forward requests from the Green (Internal) network to Red (Internet), and sends received replies back to the originating internal system.

There are two ways to configure the IPCop proxy from web based GUI:

  1. Transparent mode: This diverts all traffic received from the Green network on port 80 to the IPCop proxy port. No changes are required in client browser settings. To enable a transparent proxy, go to Services –> Proxy and select the Transparent on Green check-box.
  2. Non-transparent mode: All client browsers’ connection settings must change to have the proxy server as the IPCop Green IP, and the port as the IPCop proxy port (800). No IPCop configuration change is required.

Some more IPCop Web GUI menus are listed in the following table.

Menu Explanation
System – Home Connect/disconnect the Internet; view uptime
System – SSH Access Select check box to enable SSH
Status – System Status Displays information about the various services running, disk usage, inode usage, uptime and users,  modules loaded and kernel version
Network – Dialup For PPPoE, you can configure the login name, password and even fall-back connection, if any.

Under the reconnection option, you can select Manual, Persistent or Dial on demand. The last connects to the Internet only when a valid request for Internet resources is made by the internal network. It is disconnected if no Internet request is made for the Holdoff period of time.

Firewall – Port forwarding You can forward incoming requests from the Internet to a particular system on the internal network (more on this in subsequent articles).
Firewall – External access External management interface for the firewall to be enabled as and when required. It’s best to leave this  disabled unless it is required to be on.
VPN – VPNs IPSec VPN for site-to-site or site-to-host connectivity
Various log menus Includes days to keep log summaries. Sorting is based on reverse chronological order (last logs first), system logs — for IPCop diagnostics, Internet connectivity problem troubleshooting, etc.

IPCop provides excellent logging. To peek at an interesting log, check under Logs –> Firewall Logs. Here (see Figure 10), all attempts to access your IP address from the Internet are logged. Click on the external IP address to do a whois query for the details and location of that IP!

Firewall logs
Figure 10: Firewall logs

This completes a basic IPCop installation. Keep watching for more on the installation of various add-ons and the exciting world of IPCop Firewall.


  1. […] Sysadmins, Tools / Apps · No CommentsThe first article in this series discussed the basic installation and configuration of IPCop 1.4.21. Subsequent articles covered six important add-ons: Advanced Proxy, URL Filter, Update Accelerator, […]


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