Scientific Linux 6.9 is here with new security improvements



Pat Riehecky from Fermilab has announced the release of Scientific Linux 6.9. The open source Linux distribution has upgraded Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and comes preloaded with security improvements.

Scientific Linux 6.9 brings a small changelog that mainly includes package updates and architecture tweaks. The distro also has Scientific Linux End User License Agreement (EULA) that contains information about the US government’s contract with Fermilab to continue its development.

Some new packages that come preloaded with the new Scientific Linux include IceWM, revisor, OpenAFS, liveusb-creator, livecd-tools, yum-autoupdate, alpine, glusterfs-server and abattis-cantarell-fonts.

You can download the Scientific Linux 6.9 package directly from its office website. The latest version is available as the last update in its 6.x series.

Scientific Linux is jointly developed by Fermilab, CERN and few other scientific laboratories. It is specifically designed to meet the changing requirements of experimental facilities and deliver a native environment for scientific computing needs.



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