Netflix Open Sources Python Library Metaflow

  • Developers can use Metaflow with machine learning or data science libraries like PyTorch, Tensorflow, or SciKit Learn
  • Netflix has partnered with AWS to integrate between Metaflow and various AWS services

According to a report by Packtpub, Netflix has made Python library Metaflow open source. Metaflow helps scientists and engineers build and manage real-life data science projects. Netflix is one of the biggest users of Amazon Web Services (AWS). To make Metaflow open source, Netflix has partnered with AWS to integrate between Metaflow and various AWS services. It has made the code available on GitHub.

Integrated full-stack, human-centric API

As per the report, Metaflow was developed by Netflix to boost productivity of data scientists who work projects based on classical statistics to deep learning. It provides a unified API to the infrastructure stack required to execute data science projects from prototype to production. The strength of Metaflow is its integrated full-stack, human-centric API.

PyTorch, Tensorflow, or SciKit Learn

The report said that Metaflow provides a unified approach to navigating the stack. It is more prescriptive about the lower levels of the stack but it is less opinionated about the actual data science at the top of the stack claims the company. The report also said that developers can use Metaflow with machine learning or data science libraries like PyTorch, Tensorflow, or SciKit Learn.


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