Popular DevOps Certifications


In the second part of this series of articles on DevOps certifications, we take a look at seven more online courses that you could benefit from if you are looking at a career in DevOps.

The DevOps certifications listed in this article relate to different tools and frameworks, and can be useful for different levels of skillsets.

Certified SAFe® DevOps Practitioner
This course will help you to improve the continuous delivery pipeline with a value stream mapping exercise. It will also help to implement DevOps practices such as continuous exploration, continuous integration, continuous deployment, release-on-demand, continuous testing, and continuous security.

Registration fees Rs 50,000 for SAFe® DevOps Practitioner (SDP) certification.
First exam attempt is included as part of the course registration fee if it is taken within 30 days of course completion. Each retake attempt costs US$ 50.
Prerequisites None. Attendees must attend both days of the course in order to qualify for the exam.
Questions and format 45. Multiple choice, multiple response
Duration 90 minutes
Passing score 33 out of 45 (73 per cent)
Medium of delivery Web based (single browser), closed book, no outside assistance, timed
Open book No
Exam content and objectives/Skills measured
  • CALMR approach to DevOps to avoid automating broken processes
  • Continuous exploration, continuous integration, continuous deployment, and the ability to release to end users on demand
  • Continuous testing and continuous security
  • Value stream mapping to measure flow and identify bottlenecks in the end-to-end delivery process
  • Design and implement a multi-phased DevOps transformation plan tailored to your organisation
Good reference books Course materials, Study guide, Practice test
Benefits Value stream mapping exercise (VSM) on a specific scenario helps to understand VSM concepts and real-time implementation.
Training https://www.scaledagile.com/training/calendar/?course_id=SAFe+DevOps
My view The cost is on the higher side, but topic coverage and training is amazing. It covers all DevOps practices in depth from an organisation’s perspective and helps immensely in culture transformation.

Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE)

CJE certification covers a basic understanding of CI/CD concepts and best practices, and focuses on pipelines and production grade expertise. A certificate holder will have hands-on experience to effectively use Jenkins in end-to-end automation of application life cycle management activities.

Registration fees US$ 150 @ Authorized Test Center (KTN) or US$ 99 for Online Proctored (OLP) exam
Prerequisites Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE) exam

  • Jenkins – Fundamentals
  • Jenkins Pipeline – Fundamentals
  • Jenkins Administration – Fundamentals

These classes are available as: Self-paced training on CloudBees University; Scheduled instructor-led Jenkins training classes; Through special arrangements with a Certified CloudBees Training Partner; and at the DevOps world conference

Questions and format 60 multiple choice questions
Duration 90 minutes
Passing score 66 per cent
Medium of delivery Authorized Test Center (KTN) or Online Proctored (OLP) exam
Open book No
Exam content and objectives
  • Jenkins Fundamentals
  • Jenkins Administration
  • Jenkins Build Technologies: Pipeline
  • Jenkins Build Technologies: Freestyle
Good reference books Hands-on Pipeline as Code with Jenkins: CI/CD Implementation for Mobile, Web, and Hybrid Applications Using Declarative Pipeline in Jenkins; https://www.amazon.com/Hands-Pipeline-Code-Jenkins-Implementation/dp/9389898609
The course helps to understand CI/CD concepts and DevOps practices as well as the major features of Jenkins such as pipelines and, optionally, CloudBees Core. It helps to gain basic knowledge that helps with CI/CD implementation at production level, with best practices for open source Jenkins.
Free training
Yes; https://standard.cbu.cloudbees.com/cloudbees-university-jenkins-pipeline-fundamentals
Schedule your
My view
This was by far the toughest exam I gave with respect to questions and topic coverage, and gave me a lot of satisfaction when I saw the result. Pipeline coverage was very good.

Certified CloudBees Jenkins Engineer (CCJE)

CCJE certification covers basic understanding of CI/CD concepts and best practices, and is focused on pipelines and production grade expertise. Certificate holders will have hands-on experience to effectively utilise Jenkins and CloudBees in end-to-end automation of application life cycle management activities.

Registration fees US$150 @ Authorized Test Center (KTN) or US$ 99 @ Online Proctored (OLP) exam
Certified CloudBees Jenkins Engineer (CCJE) exam

  • Jenkins – Fundamentals
  • Jenkins Pipeline – Fundamentals
  • Jenkins Administration – Fundamentals
  • CloudBees Core – Fundamentals
  • These classes are available as: Self-paced training on CloudBees University; Scheduled instructor-led Jenkins training classes; Through special arrangements with a certified CloudBees Training Partner; and at the DevOps World Conference
Questions and format 90 multiple-choice questions; 60 questions about Jenkins and CloudBees Jenkins distribution features; 30 additional questions about CloudBees Core features
Duration 120 minutes
Passing score
66 per cent
Medium of delivery
Authorized Test Center (KTN) or Online Proctored (OLP) exam
Open book No
Exam content and objectives
  • Jenkins Fundamentals
  • Jenkins Administration
  • Jenkins Build Technologies: Pipeline
  • Jenkins Build Technologies: Freestyle
  • CloudBees Core features
Good reference books Hands-on Pipeline as Code with Jenkins: CI/CD Implementation for Mobile, Web, and Hybrid Applications Using Declarative Pipeline in Jenkins; https://www.amazon.com/Hands-Pipeline-Code-Jenkins-Implementation/dp/9389898609
Benefits It helps to understand CI/CD concepts and DevOps practices as well as the major features of Jenkins such as pipelines and, optionally, CloudBees Core. You get basic knowledge to help with CI/CD implementation at the production level with best practices for CloudBees Jenkins.
Free training

Yes; https://standard.cbu.cloudbees.com/cloudbees-university-jenkins-pipeline-fundamentals
Schedule your exam

My view

CCJE covers extra topics for CloudBees Jenkins along with normal Jenkins topics. This adds a lot of value considering the multiple tools available in the market for DevOps practices implementation.

HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification: Terraform Associate

The Terraform Associate certification ensures a person has hands-on experience using Terraform. It distinguishes between open source and enterprise versions, and what is feasible with which variant.

Registration fees US$ 70.50

Basic terminal skills; Basic understanding of on-premises and cloud architecture
Questions and
Multiple choice
60 minutes
Medium of
Online proctored
Open bookOpen book
Exam content
and objectives
  • Understand Infrastructure as Code (IaC) concepts
  • Understand Terraform’s purpose (vs other IaC)
  • Understand Terraform basics
  • Use the Terraform CLI (outside of core workflow)
  • Interact with Terraform modules
  • Navigate Terraform workflow
  • Implement and maintain state
  • Read, generate, and modify configuration
  • Understand Terraform cloud and enterprise capabilities
Good reference books Study Guide – Terraform Associate Certification, https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/associate-study;
Exam Review – Terraform Associate Certification, https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/associate-review
Sample questions
Schedule your exam
 HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification: Terraform Associate
Figure 1: HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification: Terraform Associate

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) certificate holder can efficiently manage Kubernetes environments. The exam is more performance related.

Registration fees US$ 300 and includes one free retake
Questions and format Performance based items (problems) to be solved in a command line
Duration 120 minutes
Passing score 66 per cent or above
Medium of delivery Proctored remotely via streaming audio, video, and screen sharing feeds
Open book Documents installed by the distribution (i.e., /usr/share and its subdirectories); Access allowed for https://kubernetes.io/docs/, https://github.com/kubernetes/, https://kubernetes.io/blog/ and their subdomains. This includes all available language translations of these pages (e.g., https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/).
Exam content and objectives
  • Cluster architecture, installation and configuration
  • Workloads and scheduling
  • Services and networking
  • Storage
  • Troubleshooting
Benefits Certified K8s administrators can do basic installation as well as configuring and managing production-grade Kubernetes clusters. They will have an understanding of key concepts such as Kubernetes networking, storage, security, maintenance, logging and monitoring, application life cycle, troubleshooting, API object primitives, and the ability to establish basic use cases for end users.
Training https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/kubernetes-fundamentals/
Schedule your exam https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/certified-kubernetes-administrator-cka/


 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
Figure 2: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
The CKAD certification ensures a person has hands-on experience in Kubernetes application development and defining application resources, as well as building, monitoring, and troubleshooting scalable applications in Kubernetes.

Registration fees US$ 300 and includes one free retake
Questions and format Performance based problems to be solved in a command line
120 minutes
Passing score 66 per cent
Medium of delivery Proctored remotely via streaming audio, video, and screen sharing feeds
Open book Documents installed by the distribution (i.e., /usr/share and its subdirectories); Access allowed for https://kubernetes.io/docs/, https://github.com/kubernetes/, https://kubernetes.io/blog/ and their subdomains. This includes all available language translations of these pages (e.g., https://kubernetes.io/zh/docs/).
Exam content and objectives
  • Core concepts
  • Configuration
  • Multi-container pods
  • Observability
  • Pod design
  • Services and networking
  • State persistence
Benefits The K8 application developer can design, build, configure and expose cloud native applications for Kubernetes. A CKAD certificate holder can define application resources and use core primitives to build, monitor, and troubleshoot scalable applications and tools in Kubernetes. The exam assumes knowledge of, but does not test for, container runtimes and microservices architecture.

  • A successful candidate will be comfortable using:
  • An OCI-compliant container runtime, such as Docker or rkt
  • Cloud native application concepts and architectures
  • A programming language, such as Python, Node.js, Go, or Java
Training https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/kubernetes-for-developers/
Schedule your exam https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/certified-kubernetes-application-developer-ckad/

Puppet Professional Certification
This certification ensures a person has hands-on experience in managing infrastructure, right from provisioning and configuration to patch management and compliance, by using Puppet IT automation software.

 Puppet Professional Certification
Figure 3: Puppet Professional Certification
Registration fees US$ 200
  • Understand how to administer system infrastructure by using Puppet IT automation software and develop basic modules, including data separation and external data sources.
  • Understand the relevant Puppet documentation, accepted practices as documented in the Puppet Language Style Guide, and maintenance of relevant OS components.
  • Complete the ‘Getting Started With Puppet’ and ‘Puppet Practitioner’ courses or have the equivalent experience.
Questions and format Multiple-choice questions
Duration 90 minutes
Passing score The passing score is set based on the exam content, and is unique to each exam.
Medium of delivery Proctored online
Open book No
Exam content and
  • Classification
  • Troubleshooting
  • Module authoring
  • Concepts
  • Language
  • Orchestration and tasks
  • Environments
  • Administration
Good reference
Puppet Certification Exam Study Lounge; https://learn.puppet.com/readingnook
Sample questions Practice exam at https://ondemand.questionmark.com/delivery/open.php?customerid=405096
Training https://learn.puppet.com/instructor-led-training/getting-started-with-puppet
Schedule your exam https://ondemand.questionmark.com/home/405096/user


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