Extensions introduced in GitHub CLI 2.0


GitHub on Tuesday released GitHub CLI 2.0, a new version of command line tools that developers can create extensions or custom commands built on the basis of CLI functionality.

In GitHub CLI 2.0, creating extensions has been made simple with just a repository prefixed repository gh- . GitHub incorporates tools into the GitHub CLI: gh extension create, that creates a scaffold repository with pre-written Bash.

To get started with developers, the GitHub team has built some extensions from GitHub-focused utilities, including gh contribute, to a terminal-focused tool like as gh screensaver. Other GitHub CLI extensions are:

  • gh user-status, Quickly set GitHub user status from the terminal to let other users know about availability or if a user is in focus mode.
  • gh branch, fuzzy finder branch switcher that orders branches by up-to-date and displays information about related pull requests.
  • gh triage, Use the GitHub process to prioritize open source repository issues and make them more widely available.
  • gh contribute, Quickly find an issue to work on in an open source project using the contribute extension. This finds issues with help wanted or good first issue labels that have been created in the past year and do not yet have an associated pull request.


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