New Open Source Modeling Tools to Boost the Efficiency of Marketing Campaigns


Designed to Predict Which Prospects Will Convert, Versium’s Model Builder and Record Scorer

Versium, a data technology company, today said it has expanded its suite of open source tools to assist companies identify and reach the correct audience and improve marketing campaign success as part of its drive to make data tools more available to marketers. With the most recent set of open source tools, developers, data scientists, and marketers can better forecast which potential clients and customers will convert by using Versium’s best-in-class audience insights engine.

Versium has launched the following additional solutions soon after introducing a collection of open source tools that make high performance data processing simpler:

  • Versium Model Builder: interacts with Versium’s insights data set to improve first-party audience data and increase predictive power; fills in the gaps when attributes are missing, automatically generates models, and surfaces insights to enable targeted messaging.
  • Versium Record Scorer: This tool assigns a score to each contact based on their propensity to convert, allowing for better targeting of the prospects most likely to make a purchase or interact.

“The launch of Versium’s Model Builder is the next step in our mission to help marketers extract the maximum value from their data with the biggest impact,” said Kevin Marcus, CTO, Versium. “We have heard firsthand from data scientists and marketers using visualization platforms that they don’t have the best attributes or algorithms to unlock customer insights. We are making our modeling data and scoring engine available to all to reduce manual work and help businesses reach their ideal customer faster.”

“Lead grading is a key component of our services, so we know how crucial the right data is to predict outcomes,” said Pat Murphy, co-founder and CEO of LeadScorz. “Utilizing Versium’s open source modeling engine gives us the flexibility to customize client models to their specific business objectives while easily incorporating Versuim’s powerful identity-based insights data. This provides another layer to our AI-based Grading Engine technology to provide the most accurate grades that help our customers purchase only those leads that matter most.”

The Python-based open source tools are distributed under the BSD3 licence. Visit GitHub to access these fresh open source tools and learn more about Versium.


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