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Tag: SELinux

Reduce Security Risks with SELinux

Discover SELinux, a security module that provides extra protocols to ensure access control security. It supports mandatory access controls (MAC) and is an integral...

Deploy a DNS Server in a Secure Way

  BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is one of the more widely used DNS servers. This article guides readers on how to deploy a BIND...

lighttpd & SQLite: A Lightweight Web Server and Database Platform

This article demonstrates the setting up of a lightweight Web server and database platform, using the lighttpd Web server and the SQLite database management...

The Art of Guard, Part 5: SELinux Logging

In the previous article in this series, we looked at allow rules in an SELinux policy. This month we’ll discuss SELinux error logs in order to decipher them and take corrective action.

The Art of Guard, Part 2: SELinux Modes and Policies

Let’s explore SELinux modes, and learn a few commands that will help in understanding SELinux policies better.