Check out the reports on SubConf 2009, <a href="">Day 1</a> & <a href="">Day 2</a>.
Today (29th of October, ’09) marked Day 3 of SubConf 2009 which is also the last day of the event. Just like yesterday we had lots of talks planned with 3 parallel sessions at any point of time, but unfortunately there was only one talk in English for the whole day. The Subversion Hackathon went for the whole day where developers got together, discussed and wrote code for the entire day. The talks in day-3’s agenda was mostly concerned on Software Configuration Management and general concepts.

09:50 am – 10:35 am
Coding Control — Tony Smith from Perforce Software
Coding Control was all about ‘how to bring in agility and avoid fragility through software configuration management’. This talk mainly focussed on SCM and Agile development.

Key points from the talk:
- SCM is at the heart of Agile
- Model the flow of change
- Expect things to change
- Automate as much as you can
- Always be constructive
Unfortunately, there were no questions asked from the audience at the end of the talk.
At the Subversion Hackathon room, developers wrote code all day. There were many good discussions about subversion code. We can say, this was a productive hackathon since there were approximately 34 commits the subversion repository with close to 800 lines of change!
The conference officially came to an end at 05:00 pm (German time), but the Subversion developers were not ready to move from the Subversion Hackathon room and they booked the room till mid-night.
To conclude, it was a great conference and there were lot of interesting things which I personally learned from the conference. Looking forward to contribute more to Subversion code base in the coming days. Hope we have more such subversion user conferences and developer hackathon in future.
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