Ubuntu Linux Continues To Be Most Popular OS On The Cloud!

Ubuntu Cloud
The Linux based operating system is more than twice as popular on the Amazon cloud as all other operating systems combined.

Linux continues to be the ruler of the cloud ecosystem. According to the latest analysis of operating systems on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), done by The Cloud Market, Ubuntu Linux is more than twice as popular on Amazon Cloud as all the other operating systems combined.

The survey revealed that Ubuntu has about 135,000 instances, followed by Amazon’s own Amazon Linux Amazon Machine Image (AMI), that has 54,000 instances. Windows, however, lags far behind with 17,600 instances, followed by CentOS (8500), and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) (5600) in fourth and fifth places.

It should be noted that RightScale’s latest report titled ‘State of the Cloud’ states that Amazon Web Services is the ruler of the public cloud domain with a whopping 57 per cent share. AWS is followed by Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) with 12 percent. With a major share on AWS, Ubuntu is, undoubtedly, the most popular OS on cloud.

Ubuntu is also available on HP Cloud and Microsoft Azure since 2013. Ubuntu Linux is also available on other cloud platforms including Fujitsu, Joyent and Google Cloud Platform.

Canonical, the maker of Ubuntu, is also backing OpenStack in the hybrid and private cloud efforts. The company is also working with Microsoft and Oracle to bring Windows server and Oracle Linux Ubuntu take on OpenStack.


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