Linux 4.4 rc5 Arrives!

The latest version of Linux Kernel 4.4 comes with a fix for a bad core bug.
With another week comes another rc. Linus Torvalds, the Linux creator announced the release of Linux 4.4 rc5. Although he termed the latest kernel release to be pretty normal, he made a special mention of ” a fairly bad core bug that was introduced in rc4.” The bug, as he states, is “now fixed in rc5.” For Torvalds, this has been a bit embarrassing, but he seems to be content about the fact that many people actually never hit the problem.Here’s what Torvalds shared about the latest release candidate:

“Other than that small hiccup, things are very normal,.and there really are not very many commits, and they are all pretty small to boot.

So everything looks fine, and I think we’re on track for the usual release schedule, which would imply a final 4.4 very early in 2016. I am inclined to delay that release by a week not because of any release problems, but simply because I know the next few weeks are going to be quiet and most people will want to concentrate on other things than getting ready for the next merge window.

We’ll see. I might end up releasing 4.4 on time, and then just delay the merge window too.

Regardless, if you have all your Christmas shopping done, I would heartily recommend giving rc5 a whirl in between the eggnogs and the decorations.  And if you’re not celebrating the holidays, you have no excuse for not testing it all out.”


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