Ruby 2.4 brings unified integers and improved rounding


Ruby 2.4

Ruby maintainers have brought a Christmas present for developers with the release of a new version. Debuts as Ruby 2.4, the programming language includes some vital new changes.

One of the most worthy tweaks that come through Ruby 2.4 is the unified integers. The maintainers have started this new trend by unifying Fixnum and Bignum integer classes into one single integer. Also, the latest version brings an improved hash table structure with open addressing and order array inclusion.

Ruby developers can now use a native runtime invocation for the IRB REPL, called binding.irb. Further, Ruby codes can also be executed through binding.pry.

String in Ruby that was earlier using only ASCII case mappings is upgraded in the new version to handle Unicode. The Ruby release also comes with support for OpenSSL 1.1.0. Likewise, XMLRPC and ext/tk have been removed from service software library (stdlib).

A complete changelog related to the features and tweaks in Ruby 2.4 is available on its official site. It comes in multiple compressed versions to help you have its presence on your system.


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