CNCF adds Container Network Interface project in its portfolio



Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has added one more project to its container-centric toolbelt that is known as Container Network Interface. The new open source offering is the tenth project in the entire CNCF portfolio — sits alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing, Fluentd, Linkerd, gRPC and CoreDNS.

CNI has become a new standard to help users adopt different networking technologies. By adding the project to its platform, CNCF has thus taken a step towards network connectivity of containers.

“Adopting CNI for the CNCF’s initial network interface for connectivity and portability is our primary order of business. With support from CNCF, our work group is in an excellent position to continue our work and look at models, patterns, and policy frameworks,” said Ken Owens, TOC project sponsor and CTO at Cisco.

Key resource

The CNI project will be hosted by the non-profit organisation along with Kubernetes and CoreDNS. It will be a key resource in the portfolio as its presence will let developers remove the allocated resources after deleting their container deployment.

Existing CNCF partners like Apache Mesos, CoreOS, Cloud Foundry Foundation and Red Hat OpenShift will contribute to the development of CNI. In the meantime, you can access the CNI code and its related documentation from a GitHub repository.


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