36 Companies Agree to a Base set of APIs


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced that 36 members have agreed to a set of certification standards for Kubernetes. This should make it easy for users to move from one version to another without worry, while ensuring that containers under Kubernetes management will behave in a predictable way. Though not a big number but at least a good start.

Forking is the act where some companies break off on their own in an open source project, creating a new and possibly incompatible version of the software. This announcement will bring some level of discipline to a growing project and it’s a significant step forward in the maturation of Kubernetes as an open source project.

The CNCF wanted to ensure this didn’t happen, and so apparently did many of its powerful members including Microsoft, Red Hat, Alibaba, Oracle, Google and IBM along with many others. Dan Kohn, executive director at CNCF, says that the organization has been able to bring together many of the industry’s biggest names onboard. “We are thrilled with the list of members. We are confident that this will remain a single product going forward and not fork,” he said.   Read more…


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