Hazelcast expands reach with direct presence in Tokyo


In association with Payara, Hazelcast has announced an office in Tokyo, Japan. The two organizations have a longstanding relationship and have collaborated to create Payara Scales in the past. Payara Scales is a Hazelcast Enterprise add-on which provides Payara users with an enterprise level, open source Java caching solution. The solution enables improved performance, resilience and scalability for large-scale e-commerce and JavaEE application deployments.

The office launch event will witness technology giants to speak about open source trends, such as Java caching. Payara will talk about two major changes happening in the JavaEE world. Aims and objectives of MicroProfile an industry collaboration to define Microservices APIs and EE4J i.e. the migration of JavaEE from the JCP to the Eclipse Foundation will be shared. Kenji Hasunuma from Payara will demonstrate the creation of a fully scalable, high availability Payara 5 infrastructure on Microsoft Azure.

Hazelcast Jet, a new Apache 2 licensed, DAG-based platform for stream and batch processing will be introduced. Jet can replace Spark and provide greater speed and much simpler deployment – it’s a 10MB Jar with no dependencies other than those you need for connectors, which you can easily embed into your application.

Yoshio Terada of Microsoft will introduce a method for implementing microservice on Kubernetes using Payara/Hazelcast. The presentation will also introduce the distributed tracing tool Zipkin, which shows the latency between service calls, and will also demonstrate real-time system monitoring using Grafana. And, Simon Ritter from Azul, will touch upon JDK 9 and its updates that were made available through the OpenJDK.

The new office is located at Tokyo Big Sight – Ariake Frontier Building, Level 9, Ariake Frontier Building B, 3-7-26 Ariake Koto-ku, Tokyo. To mark the opening of the new venture, Hazelcast and Payara will be hosting a launch event on January 30, at the Nakano SUNPLAZA.   Read more…


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