CasaOS: Open Source Home Cloud Based on Docker Ecosystem


IceWhale Technology unveiled CasaOS, an open-source home cloud OS based on the Docker ecosystem.

CasaOS is changing the way families view modern living. From photo and video storage to smart home device management, and encrypted communications, the company claims it be an ideal home cloud system to keep families safe and protected in the digital age.

CasaOS is compatible with mainstream hardware platforms, x86 PCs, NUCs, and Raspberry Pi, and provides enough openness for developers to participate in it. Users of CasaOS can host various home entertainment, streaming, network enhancement, and VPN applications free of charge, as well as centralize their personal data and sync 10x faster in a non-inductive LAN.

The IceWhale Technology team has developed a decentralised home cloud system to help families rest easy and provide peace of mind in a polarising societal climate.

We focus on home scenarios to provide consumers with home cloud product innovation that integrates software and hardware. We believe that compared to public clouds, home clouds can provide higher system energy efficiency, data security, and more personalised digital services for local home smart experiences,” says Lauren Pan, founder & CEO.



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