DataMix Partners Vonage to Power Remote Testing System


Vonage, a cloud communication helping businesses accelerate their digital transformation, today announced that DataMix, a provider of educational programs specialising in training data scientists, has chosen the Vonage Video API to power Excert, its online test-taking system.

With the Vonage Video API, DataMix has been able to quickly and easily embed video tools into Excert, including identity verification and test proctoring functions, giving it a competitive advantage in the market.

Vonage Communications Platform (VCP) APIs allow developers to easily enhance and build intelligent, intuitive customer engagement directly into their existing applications, systems and workflows, enabling communications across any channel and on any device.

Embedding the Video API into the Excert online examination system allows examiners to connect with and confirm the identity of examinees and supervise examinations remotely, which has been difficult to do with traditional online examination tools.

“Powered by the Vonage Video API, the system can be used for large-scale examinations, providing a testing environment with examiners for thousands or tens of thousands of candidates and dozens or hundreds of examiners. Now, test supervisors can supervise multiple examinees while sharing both video and PC screens, and they can also provide detailed support to examinees using video calls and chat functions,” said Motoi Tanigaki, a DataMix software engineer.



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