SODA v1.6.0 Lamu Release


SODA Lamu v1.6.0 release is an incremental release over SODA Kalpeni v1.5.0 release of SODA Foundation. SODA Open Data Framework (ODF) Lamu v1.6.0 is released with enhanced features for heterogeneous storage performance monitoring. Lamu release comes with multiple features in Heterogeneous Storage Performance Monitoring(SPM) viz., Historic performance collection, Scheduling of storages to nodes, Failed Task Scheduling and Subclasses of StorageResourceTask. This release has experimental support for Delfin deployment in Kubernetes and SODA installation on Ubuntu 20.04LTS. It also comes with multi-cloud API specification updates and other fixes. SODA Lamu 1.6.0 can be trialed for heterogeneous performance monitoring and for all other existing features from container data management, on-premise data management, and multi-cloud data management

Key Highlights:

  • Heterogeneous Performance Metric Collection Framework improved with Historic performance collection, Scheduling of storage to nodes, Failed Task Scheduling, and Subclasses of StorageResourceTask
  • Driver Enhancements for SPM
    • NetApp login improvements
    • VMAX disk resource and disk metrics collection
    • New drivers support added: Fujitsu ETERNUS, Hitachi HNAS, HPE MSA, IBM DS8000, and Pure Storage Flasharray
  • SPM deployment in Kubernetes (experimental)
  • SODA Support for Ubuntu 20.04LTS (experimental)
  • Multicloud OpenAPI Spec Updates


This changelog is based on the SODA Kalpeni v1.5.0 release.

SODA releases will provide the key use cases, integrations, and overall solutions based on SODA projects. It will list all the respective project releases under the scope of each of the SODA releases. You can get a detailed feature list of specific projects from the respective project release pages.

Delfin: SODA Infrastructure Management

  • Heterogeneous Performance Metric Collection Framework improved with Historic performance collection, Scheduling of storage to nodes, Failed Task Scheduling, and Subclasses of StorageResourceTask
  • Driver Enhancements for SPM
    • NetApp login improvements
    • VMAX disk resource and disk metrics collection
    • New drivers support added: Fujitsu ETERNUS, Hitachi HNAS, HPE MSA, IBM DS8000, and Pure Storage Flasharray
    • SPM deployment in Kubernetes (experimental) – Details here


  • OpenAPI Spec (swagger file) updated

SODA Experience & Quality


  • SODA Installation Support for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (experimental). Release available on a branch. Available here
  • Support for New drivers of Delfin
  • Multi-cloud OpenAPI spec enhancements

Dashboard :

  • [Delfin UI] Added support for the following new devices: Fujitsu ETERNUS, PureStorage FlashArray, HPE MSA, Hitachi HNAS
  • [Delfin UI] Enabled support for disk resources for VMax devices.


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