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A New Software Composition Analysis Solution From Revenera


Revenera SBOM Insights, a SaaS solution, provides unmatched security and software supply chain management by combining SBOMs from various sources.

Revenera today annnounced the launch of Revenera SBOM Insights, a SaaS service that assists software organisations in managing their Software Bill of Materials constructed from various sources. Through SCA scans and outside sources including partners, third-party developers, and other software suppliers, Revenera SBOM Insights compiles information about open source and third-party component information. A streamlined and automated procedure to manage SBOMs benefits security teams, legal teams, and supply chain stakeholders.

Revenera SBOM Insights is now available

With the help of Revenera SBOM Insights, businesses can control their security and legal risk by keeping an up-to-date, accurate SBOM in the cloud. By combining the SBOM from various data sources and giving complete insight to security and legal teams as well as supply chain partners, this cloud inventory management solution increases the amount of transparency into enterprises’ products beyond the code that is under their control. Revenera SBOM Insights consolidates internal and external SBOM components into a single, actionable view across an organization’s portfolio of applications after ingesting data from many sources, making the SBOM an ongoing source of truth.

Features of Revenera SBOM Insights include:

  • Cloud-based management of a whole SBOM
  • Data ingested from a variety of sources, combining internal and external SBOMs into a unified, actionable view for the enterprise.
  • Information about component and licence usage
  • Information on vulnerabilities and security exposures
  • Creation of compliance artefacts for clients and partners in the downstream supply chain
  • Alerting and impact evaluation for recently found security and compliance problems
  • The SBOM’s visibility shifts with time.

As per the July 2022 Gartner® report entitled “Hype Cycle™ for Open Source Software, 2022,” “By 2025, 60% of organizations building or procuring critical infrastructure software will mandate and standardize software bills of materials (SBOMs) in their software engineering practice, up from less than 20% in 2022.”

Data Aggregation Is Necessary for Comprehensive, Actionable SBOMs

Software providers are looking to software composition analysis (SCA) vendors for solutions that can help identify and report on a comprehensive list of the components contained in their applications in order to meet this need. Software vendors are required to provide an all-inclusive SBOM solution. A full SBOM must gather data from upstream supply chain partners, third-party developers, and private software vendors in addition to the internal SBOMs that were created.



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