54M Open Source Packages Gets Created By SOOS In Public SBOM Database


This brand-new resource is openly accessible to everyone.

Today, SOOS announces the opening of its community resource, the public SBOM database, which will strengthen the software supply chain and change open source software security. For the first time ever, anyone can now easily locate and free of charge obtain an SPDX or CycloneDX SBOM for more than 54 million packages.

With the goal of providing open source security tools available and affordable to all developers, SOOS was established. Although SOOS already creates the most effective and cost-effective SCA tool available, it has intensified its efforts to democratise open source security by producing SBOMs at a never-before-seen rate.

Software bill of materials, or SBOMs, offer a vital inventory of all the parts that go into an application. It is a catalogue of components linked to any known flaws and an accounting of all licences used within the code. The creation of SBOMs is an essential stage in securing the software supply chain, but far too many organisations have neglected to integrate this vital task into their development lifecycle due to the expense and inconvenience it previously entailed.

Following the introduction of their Community Edition SCA tool, which offers free software composition analysis to any developer working on open source projects, SOOS has now made their public SBOM database available.


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