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Tag: IP address

Easy and Secure File Transferring with WinSCP

Easy and Secure File Transferring with WinSCP Working in a multi-OS environment often requires transferring files between two machines running entirely different operating systems. Even...

Deploy a DNS Server in a Secure Way

  BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is one of the more widely used DNS servers. This article guides readers on how to deploy a BIND...

WordPress on Nginx, Part 2: vhost, MySQL & APC Configurations

Last time around we made our Debian VPS ready with the LEMP recipe. Let's now configure the stack and migrate over the old WP...

Cyber Attacks Explained: DoS and DDoS

With this article, we begin a new series on the major kinds of cyber attacks that weaken the IT security infrastructure within organisations. With...

SYN Flooding using SCAPY and Prevention using iptables

DoS (Denial of Service) attacks against Web services make them unavailable for legitimate users, affecting the website owner's potential business. These involve intentional consumption...

Securing Apache, Part 11: Logs, et al.

In this final part of the series, we will discover how to strengthen security in Apache by logging and other miscellaneous ways. Configuring a system...

Creating Your Own Server: The Socket API, Part 2

Earlier, we created a simple server and client program using the socket API. This time, we'll first start with a program, and then explain...

Storage Management using Openfiler, Part 2

The first part of this series gave readers step-by-step instructions to build Openfiler from scratch. This second part covers two additional important features of...

Advanced Nmap: NMap Script Scanning

In previous articles, we have studied NMap in great detail, including live scanning a firewall and verifying the recommendations. Now, it's time to study...

Advanced Nmap: Scanning Firewalls Continued

The previous article detailed methods to scan an IPCop-based firewall in a test environment. The scan output revealed several open ports, which could lead...