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Is Your LAMP Server Secure?

It’s no secret that the Internet is stuffed with various bots that try to get into the ‘body’ of your site, or simply put...

Securing a LAMP Server in 2019

LAMP is an acronym for a stack typically consisting of the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL relational database management system,...

What makes LAMP stack important for your web projects

  If you have worked in web design, you have probably heard of the LAMP stack on at least one occasion. Today, we are going...

Create a Slide Show with Slidifier

Slidifier is a browser-based, open-source slide show creator that is quick and very easy to use. Let's take a look. Many presenters at conferences these...

Web Acceleration with Varnish 3.0

In this article we'll setup a ready-to-deploy WordPress-compatible Varnish service as our HTTP reverse caching proxy, and have it cache the desktop and mobile...

Setting up a LAMP Server Remotely

It's been said a million times over -- Linux is awesome on servers! With over 60 per cent of the Web's servers gunning away...

The Comprehensive LAMP Guide — Part 3 (PHP)

PHP, the "P" in LAMP, is a recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It is the most widely used programming language for Web applications...

The Comprehensive LAMP Guide — Part 2 (MySQL)

MySQL is the most widely used Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), and is the "M" in the LAMP stack. One of the main uses...

The Comperhensive LAMP Guide, Part-1: Compiling and Optimising Apache

These days, almost everyone needs a website. Online business is picking up, and an Internet presence is a must for firms wanting to expand...

Turnkey: Build LAMP Server in Under 10 Minutes

Many of us have wanted to work on our own homemade Linux Web server, but struggled due to the lack of appropriate versions, and...