GitHub starts guiding you to begin with open source

open source

GitHub open source guide

Years after offering an online repository to let developers easily store their precious codes, GitHub has now released a massive guide help you enter the open source world.

GitHub members have come together for project collaboration, user interface designs and even writing. This collaborative movement has made it much easier for developers to collaborate on a project using the online repository. But as a large number of novices still struggle with starting their first open source project on GitHub, there is now a guide to help any of the beginners to get started with their first open source contribution.

The guide developed by the GitHub team is quite massive and divided into different parts for better understanding. You can improve technical and people handling skills and get reputation set up for your open source code. Further, the guide can help you build your resume as an open source contributor.

GitHub’s open source guide can help you orient yourself for a specific project. You can learn about tech stack of the project that you want to contribute to. Also, you can start off with contributing to your first project with help of the guide. The guide helps you in starting an open source project finding users for the project as well as building communities on GitHub.

You can catch some insights about open source by visiting the official open source guide. Its code is also available on a GitHub repository to let developers and open source enthusiasts upgrade the guidance over time.


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