RancherOS 1.0 debuts to fulfill all your container requirements



Rancher Labs, the well-known container management software maker has announced RancherOS 1.0. The new Linux distribution is debuted to deliver a fully container optimised experience.

To make the experience exclusive to container technologies, RacherOS 1.0 does not include any packages and capabilities that are not needed for containers. The container-optimised operating system also minimises attack surface to improve the overall security and uses upstream Linux server.

“RancherOS epitomises what modern infrastructure should look like. We are thrilled to integrate the container operating system into our portfolio,” said Helvio Lima, CEO at BRCloud Services, in a statement.

Operate protection boundary and updates unit

Users of RancherOS need not to reboot the system to apply system update since everything is containerised. Also, the container technology behind the RancherOS model is outside of the kernel. It acts like an operate protection boundary and updates unit. RancherOS runs a Docker daemon on top of Linux kernel which takes care of system services.

It is worth noting here that RancherOS allows you to deploy more than one Docker service offering a possible layer of isolation and control. There is a Docker daemon on top of Linux kernel that manages system services.

The integrated approach for Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) offers both control and isolation. Similarly, there are innovative code upgrades from the development team that previously experimented with Ubuntu and Fedora kernels.

You can access the RancherOS 1.0 code from its GitHub repository. In addition to supporting container technologies, the Linux distribution is designed to support platforms such as Amazon EC2, Digital Ocean, Docker Machine, GCE, KVM, OpenStack, Packet, Vagrant and VMware.


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