Prototype Fund: Eleventh Funding Round For Non-Profit Open Source Projects


The Open Knowledge Foundation is accepting applications for the current 11th round of its “Prototype Fund” project until September 30th. With the program, the foundation supports software developers and teams in the implementation of open source projects with civil society benefits.

The Open Knowledge Foundation has chosen the thematic bracket “Technologies and the future of work” as the inspiration for the 11th round. In addition, other projects that can be assigned to the subject areas of software infrastructure, data competence, civic technology and data security are also eligible for funding. The selected projects are supported for a period of six months with up to 47,500 euros.

Open source projects for civil society

The funding project aims to support developers who use ideas of “public interest” to advance the digital life of their fellow human beings. The competition is open to topics, but a report entitled “Making Software Work (for us?) – Technologies and the future of work”, published parallel to the call for entries, deals with topics such as New Work, Work 4.0 and digitisation. can serve as inspiration for the projects.

The Prototype Fund is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The program launched in 2016 is intended to fund around 25 projects with up to 47,500 euros in a total of 16 rounds. To date, the fund has approved a total of around 8.1 million euros for 191 projects.

The company said interested parties can submit their project ideas at the Application platform of the Prototype Fund Submit.

Source: market research telecast


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