New Energy Model IDEEA Launched by EDF to Assist India’s Carbon Goals


US-based Environmental Defence Fund (EDF) introduces an open-source energy model, Indian Zero Carbon Energy Pathways (IDEEA), to help India attain carbon-neutral objectives. IDEEA offers practical insights for sustainable energy planning and management.

The Environmental Defence Fund (EDF), a leading US organisation, has introduced the Indian Zero Carbon Energy Pathways (IDEEA). This innovative open-source energy model is a collaborative effort between scientists at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru and the Global Change Program at Jadavpur University (GCP-JU) in Kolkata. IDEEA focuses on facilitating India’s transition towards sustainable energy consumption, aiming to support the nation’s carbon-neutral ambitions.

IDEEA is designed to address the intricacies of India’s energy system transition, offering versatile solutions for reducing carbon-intensive energy consumption. It provides actionable insights for national and state-level energy planning, thus assisting India in navigating the complexities associated with the shift from conventional to renewable energy sources.

Prof Balachandra Patil, Chief Research Scientist at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, emphasised the necessity of comprehensive models like IDEEA to manage the transition effectively: “To better plan the transition and to manage a more dynamic system, a large-scale mathematical model that integrates complex variables is a necessity.”

The launch of IDEEA was accompanied by workshops attended by economists, energy modellers, government representatives, and experts from across the nation, highlighting the collaborative approach required to achieve India’s carbon-neutral objectives.

Hisham Mundol, Chief Advisor for India to EDF, emphasised IDEEA’s role in India’s journey towards a net-zero future: “The ‘Made in India’ IDEEA model addresses India’s unique challenges, offering actionable insights for sustainable energy and resource planning.”

As global attention remains focused on combatting climate change, the unveiling of IDEEA by EDF is a pivotal step in India’s quest for carbon neutrality. With its transparent and open-source approach, IDEEA equips stakeholders with essential tools to navigate the complexities of energy transition and promote a sustainable future.


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