Linux 4.12 receives second release candidate



Linus Torvalds has released the second release candidate update to Linux 4.12 kernel. The new update comes with new driver improvement.

The Linux 4.12 RC2 update is little bigger than expected. It includes updated networking stack, USB, MD, GPU, WatchDog and staging drivers. Also, there are certain improvements to hardware architectures.

“This RC2 is maybe a bit bigger than usual, but the whole merge window was bigger than most, so maybe it is just that. And it is not like it is huge – usually the RC2 week is fairly quiet as people find issues,”Torvalds writes in the mailing list announcement.

The second release candidate to Linux 4.12 comes with various core networking changes. You can find improved support for x86, ARM, ARM64, s390 and PowerPC (PPC) architectures.

Final build in early July

With the release of the RC2, you can expect the final version of Linux kernel 4.12 to launch in early July 2017. There are total seven or eight RC builds until the final release.

Meanwhile, you can access the source tarball of Linux 4.12 RC2 from the website. You can use the same tarball to compile your own build.


  1. […] the beginning of this week, Torvalds released the second release candidate for Linux 4.12. The update brought some major networking improvements and set to pitch for the […]

  2. […] original schedule of the Linux 4.12 development, we can expect the final release next week. Meanwhile, the final RC update has emerged with just a handful of minor […]


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