CNCF Receives A Donation For Their Open Source Project DevSpace


The client-only, lightweight command-line interface can accept external contributions in a neutral environment thanks to the CNCF Sandbox.

Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which creates resilient ecosystems for cloud native software, received the open source project DevSpace as a gift from Loft Labs, a provider of developer tooling and multi-tenancy solutions for Kubernetes. The CNCF Sandbox will give the project a neutral location to receive contributions from the cloud-native community outside of it and to take advantage of vendor-independent governance.

The CNCF is dedicated to creating enduring ecosystems for cloud native software and hosts crucial elements of the global technology infrastructure, such as Kubernetes. For Kubernetes, there are more than 50 developer tools available. Only one of them had previously been in the CNCF Sandbox. A client-only command-line interface (CLI) tool called DevSpace uses the user’s current kube-context, such as kubectl or Helm. It is small and simple to use. It is adaptable and works on top of any Kubernetes cluster without modification. It does not require installing anything inside a cluster.

DevSpace has over one million installations and more than 3,200 GitHub stars, and it is used by hundreds of enterprises today to improve developer velocity and create their cloud native applications.

DevSpace concentrates on offering a straightforward, lightweight execution approach through a client-side binary, in contrast to other systems that rely on complicated network proxying to simulate the lightning-fast in-cluster development. This enables developers to leverage the cloud to execute all workflows and see changes to their applications immediately reflected in the operating containers without the requirement for image building or rebuilding and rescheduling containers. Code changes are hot-reloaded into running containers. This frees up processing power from their desktop computers and better utilises the cloud for carrying out workloads, which is what it was designed for.

The open source vcluster project serves as the foundation for Loft Labs’ enterprise-grade Kubernetes platform Loft. Large corporations use Loft to build a self-service platform for their engineering staff. When an organisation uses Loft, its engineers may quickly create virtual clusters whenever they need them by utilising the Loft UI, Loft CLI, or even the Kubernetes command-line tool kubectl through the usage of the custom resources offered by Loft.


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