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Monthly Archives: January 2015

Writing I2C clients in Linux

Writing I2C Clients in Linux

I2C is a protocol for communication between devices. In this column, the author takes the reader through the process of writing I2C clients in...

Automate the Bare Metal Provisioning Process through Razor

This article describes how to automate the bare metal provisioning of physical and virtual machines through Razor, an open source tool that works perfectly...

The Need to Address Security Concerns in the Cloud Environment

Security of data is of paramount concern to those in government and industry. This article takes readers through the typical security concerns in the...

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Delving Deep into its Architecture

A Java Virtual Machine can be thought of as an abstract computer that is defined by certain specifications. The author leads readers deep into...

Developing Applications Using NoSQL Databases

NoSQL (or ‘Not only SQL’) databases offer the means to store and retrieve data that is not stored in the traditional RDBMS style of...

What is the Haskell I/O?

This article is a must read for anyone interested in getting a good insight into the input/output (IO) functionality of Haskell. Input/output (IO) can cause...

Enhance Java Applications with FOSS APIs

Java application developers have access to many free and open source APIs that ease their workload. This article, which presumes the reader has some...

Guard Your Web Applications Against the Top 10 Vulnerabilities

A flawed Web application is a security risk. OWASP’s ‘Top 10 Vulnerabilities’ is a powerful document that raises awareness about the dangers out there...

Constant Pointers and Pointers to Constant A Subtle Difference in C Programming

Aimed at those new to C programming, this article clears up the confusion between the terms used in it, with illustrative examples. Pointers have always...

An Introduction to Firefox OS

“We’re out to make a difference, not a profit,” says the project’s home page. The Firefox operating system has come into the market with...