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Tag: Languages

A Guide to Qt Programming, and the Top Tools for the...

Hard core Linux users prefer the power of the command line. In fact, in the early days, the command line was the sole user...

An Overview of the Open Source Languages Powering Blockchain Programming

Blockchain has laid the foundations for a new kind of Internet by allowing information to be distributed and not copied. Originally devised for digital...

The Programming Languages Alphabet

There is a veritable alphabet soup of the starting letters of names of programming languages. The author sifts through this assortment to find the...

Yet Another Top Ten List of Popular Programming Languages

This is that time of the year when we make lists. So here is yet another list of the top ten most popular programming...

The Best Open Source Programming Languages for IoT

The Internet of Things is slowly but surely making an impact on how we live. From automated transport systems and self-driven vehicles, to smart...

Exercise Your Mind With Exotic Programming Languages

Have you ever encountered Ook! or 'Brainfuck'? No, we are not trying to shock you, but these are actually the names of the exotic...

Developing Real-Time Notification and Monitoring Apps in IBM Bluemix

IBM Bluemix is a cloud PaaS that supports numerous programming languages and services. It can be used to build, run, deploy and manage applications...

Electron: Building Cross-platform Desktop Apps with Web Technologies

The programming languages used to build desktop and Web applications are obviously different. Electron is an effort to bridge this gap. With it, you...

Regular Expressions in Programming Languages: PHP and the Web

This is the fourth article in the series on regular expressions. In the past three articles, we have discussed regular expression styles in Python,...

“Things aren’t getting easier for most coders”

Even though many new programming languages and frameworks have emerged lately, many developers still need a guide — either online or offline — to...