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Tag: machine learning

How Much Open Source Is Too Much Open Source?

Intel’s OpenVINO toolkit helps developers by streamlining code writing, freeing them to concentrate on other vital project aspects. AI Evangelist at Intel, Anisha Udayakumar,...

AI: A Few More Useful Python Libraries

In the previous article in this series, we discussed the history of AI. We have also discussed matrices in detail earlier. In this third...

R Series: ‘dplyr’ Package

In this twenty-second article in the R, Statistics and Machine Learning series, we will continue on the exploration of handling text using the ‘dplyr’...

Generative AI: The Next Big Thing

Generative AI is changing the face of technology. Let’s take a brief look at the history of AI and how it has evolved over...

Meet OpenChatKit: An Alternative To ChatGPT

With the aid of OpenChatKit, programmers can easily create their own unique chatbot applications, fine-tune the model, retain dialogue context, moderate responses, and more. Since...

TensorFlow and Tesseract OCR: Two Popular AI/ML Tools

The article gives an overview of two popular AI and ML tools — TensorFlow and Tesseract OCR — which have been developed by Google...

AI: An Introduction to Probability

In the previous article in this series on AI (August 2022 issue of OSFY), we continued our discussion of matrices and linear algebra. We...

AI: Anaconda and More on Probability

In the previous article in this series on AI and machine learning, we began by exploring the intricacies of using TensorFlow, a very powerful...

How to Analyse Sentiments Using Machine Learning

This article will help you understand the concept of sentiment analysis and learn how it is done. It uses different machine learning algorithms for...

AI, ML and DL: What’s the Difference?

We often use the terms artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning interchangeably, even though we read or hear about them almost each day....