A Peek Into the WWW, Courtesy MozillaCamp


Organised by the Mozilla Community in Delhi, the event was the result of the efforts put in by its two unorganisers—Mohak Prince, Mozilla campus ambassador for Maharaaj Agrasen Institute of Technology and Kinshuk Sunil, community manager for OSSCube. The event was wholly sponsored by OSSCube and was supported by Routeguru, Innobuzz, Pringoo, Pictualise, BlogAdda, Indyarocks, and LINUX For You.

Despite February 10th being a Tuesday, a lot of participants, from professionals to students, joined the unconference. There were a few initial worries with Seth and Arun not being around pre-lunch. Mohak and Kinshuk undertook some open house sessions discussing Twitter, Google Chrome, and the browser wars, among other things. Gaurav Paliwal, a student of IP University, led a technical session on SLIM Server. Manu Goel, a UI designer at Sapient delivered a talk on ‘Design Trends of Web 2.0’, which led to a healthy discussion on the user experience and user interface.

Post lunch, Arun and Seth joined the participants. After a brief introduction by both of them, Arun put through a Skype call to Pascal Finette of Mozilla Labs, who took the opportunity to walk the participants through the what and how of the Concept Series. At the end of the session, the house was opened to some very interesting questions by the participants.

Next, Seth introduced Mozilla to the participants and took them through the efforts Mozilla has been making on the localisation front. He also introduced the audience to Silme and walked them through its many uses.

This was followed by a presentation on the evolution of Firefox. This lively session was a contribution by Pictualise. Arun then took control of the house for his talk on the Open Web. He also showcased a number of experimental features coming up in Firefox 3.1 and HTML 5, especially the ‘video’ tag and Canvas. His talk was filled with a lot of interesting trivia and tidbits on the evolution of the Web, starting from the days of the browser wars.

By 5.30 in the evening, the event wound up, after which many participants thronged to Arun and Seth to discuss and share a number of issues. Subsequently, Arun, Seth, Mohak and I walked to the India Habitat Centre for an interview, which is included in the videos from the event. Have a look at it at vimeo.com/album/65868, if you don’t want to miss anything from the event. You can also check out the Flickr stream if you’re game for some snaps.

We are grateful to our sponsors and supporters for the help extended to us and to all the participants who helped by contributing to the event. Special mention should be made of the ‘Twitterers’ who ‘live tweeted’ the whole event so that those who could not be physically present could still follow everything that happened. To check out on those tweets look for the #mozcampdel at search.twitter.com.


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