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GitLab acquires developer-centric chat platform Gitter to rival GitHub

GitLab acquires developer-centric chat platform Gitter to rival GitHubLondon-based Gitter is not as big as an enterprise chat service like Slack that has millions...

OpenForge debuts as India’s GitHub for e-governance projects

Electronics and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has formally launched OpenForge at the inaugural of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of...

GitHub launches hosted service to serve enterprises with cloud

More than nine years after being a one-stop code repository solution for the open source community, GitHub is finally taking a sharp turn to...

GitHub starts guiding you to begin with open source

Years after offering an online repository to let developers easily store their precious codes, GitHub has now released a massive guide help you enter...

Netflix open sources its ChatOps tool to help developers manage GitHub...

Netflix has decided to open source its ChatOps tool for GitHub management called HubCommander. The new bot allows developers to track and manage GitHub...

GitHub tool to search encrypted keys goes public

A tool that has been designed to find encrypted keys on GitHub is now available online. Called TruflleHog, the latest development obtains results from...

Indian software provider brings GitHub to work

While GitHub is already the first choice for developers around the world, Amrut Software is bringing the same online repository platform to businesses and...

Unix evolution now gets into a massive repository

If you are anxious to know the history of Unix and how it is evolved from being a project to a full-fledged open source...

GitHub open sources Puppet development and testing tool

GitHub has released the code of its Puppet development and testing tool called Octacatalog-diff. This new piece of software is already powering GitHub.com, which...

Instagram open sources a framework to enable faster push updates in...

Instagram has open sourced one of its core frameworks to let developers offer faster push updates in their apps. Called IGListKit, the project was...