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A Containerised Development Environment for Hyperledger Fabric

This article is a complete primer on how to set up the Hyperledger Fabric development environment on a local machine using Vagrant on an...

The Capabilities of Tensor Virtual Machine, an Open Deep Learning Compiler...

The Tensor Virtual Machine stack began as a research project at the SAMPL (System, Architecture, Machine learning and Programming Language) group of the Paul...

Creating Decentralised Applications with Blockchain Technology using Open Source Tools

By virtue of being a distributed ledger in a P2P network, the blockchain is relatively more secure than data that is on a central...

Why You Should Choose AngularJS for Application Development

AngularJS, which has been designed for building single page websites is, according to some, what HTML would have been, had it been designed for...

Use Group Office to Collaborate with Colleagues

Group Office is an enterprise CRM and groupware tool, which is easy to use and is fully customisable. It is used to share projects,...

Troubleshooting Issues in Linux Applications

In order to address issues in applications, the author has listed what needs to be done whenever you install a third party application on...

Top 15 projects to build with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is used to create consoles for gaming, robots and it has even gone into space. Here are the 15 projects to work...

Top Open Source Artificial Intelligence Tools to Take Into Account

Think as if you are dining at a restaurant and you have a professional waiter by your side serving food right on the basis...

An Introduction to Scaffolding with Yeoman

Scaffolding in the computing context refers to two techniques – one is for the generation of code related to database access in some model-view-controller...

Rapidly Growing IT Companies are Adopting E-learning Technologies

For the past few decades, there have been many changes in the IT industry. These have been driven by customer expectations and the need...